Jennifer D. Williams
Specialist in American National Government
To: Honorable Carolyn Maloney
Attention: Kristina Spiegel
This memorandum responds to your request for a section-by-section summary of a draft bill to amend Title 13 of the United States Code to provide for a five-year term of office for the Census Bureau Director, provide for the Director's and Deputy Director's authority and duties, "and for other purposes." The bill's short title is the "Census Oversight Efficiency and Management Reform Act of 2010," which you referred to as the Carper, Maloney, Coburn, Dent bill for its House (Representatives Maloney and Dent) and Senate (Senators Carper and Coburn) sponsors.
Date of Report:March 24, 2010
Number of Pages: 6
Order Number: M-032410
Price: $19.95
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