Katelin P. Isaacs
Analyst in Income
Most civilian federal
employees who were hired before 1984 are covered by the Civil Service Retirement
System (CSRS). Federal employees hired in 1984 or later are covered by the
Federal Employees’ Retirement System (FERS). Both CSRS and FERS require
participants to contribute toward the cost of their pensions through a
payroll tax. Employees who are covered by CSRS contribute 7.0% of pay to
the Civil Service Retirement and Disability Fund (CSRDF). They do not pay
Social Security taxes or earn Social Security benefits. Employees enrolled in
FERS contribute 0.8% of their pay to the CSRDF. They pay 6.2% of wages up
to the Social Security taxable wage base to the Social Security trust fund
under permanent law. Under temporary law, they pay 4.2% of wages up to the
Social Security taxable wage base. The taxable wage base is $110,100 in
The minimum retirement age (MRA) under CSRS is 55 for workers who have at least
30 years of service. The FERS MRA was 55 for employees born before 1948.
The MRA for employees born between 1953 and 1964 is 56, increasing to the
age of 57 for those born in 1970 or later. Both FERS and CSRS allow
retirement with an unreduced pension at the age of 60 for employees with 20
or more years of service and at the age of 62 for employees with at least 5
years of service.
The Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) is a retirement savings plan similar to the
401(k) plans provided by many employers in the private sector. In 2012,
employees covered under either CSRS or FERS can contribute up to $17,000
to the TSP. Employees aged 50 and older can contribute an additional
$5,500 to the TSP. Employees under FERS receive employer matching contributions
of up to 5% of pay from the federal agency by which they are employed.
Federal workers covered by CSRS also can contribute to the TSP, but they
receive no matching contributions from their employing agencies.
The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) estimates the cost of CSRS to be an
amount equal to 26.0% of employee pay. The federal government pays 19.0%
of this amount and the other 7.0% is paid by employees. OPM estimates the
cost of the FERS basic annuity at an amount equal to 12.7% of pay. The
federal government contributes 11.9% of this amount and the other 0.8% is
paid by employees. There are three other employer costs for employees under
FERS. Both the employer and employee pay Social Security taxes equal to
6.2% of pay up to the maximum taxable amount; agencies automatically
contribute an amount equal to 1% of employee pay to the TSP; and agencies
make matching contributions to the TSP equal to up to 4% of pay.
At the start of FY2010, the CSRDF had an unfunded liability of $673.1 billion,
consisting of a $663.4 billion deficit for CSRS and a $9.7 billion deficit
for FERS. Although the civil service trust fund has an unfunded liability,
it is not in danger of becoming insolvent. OPM projects that the balance
of the CSRDF will continue to grow through at least 2080, at which point it
will hold assets equal to more than 4.5 times total payroll and about 20
times total annual benefit payments.
Several bills in the 112th Congress propose significant changes to federal
retirement benefits and financing, including the House-passed version of
H.R. 3630, H.R. 3813, the House Rules Committee print of H.R. 7, and H.R.
5652. The President’s Budget Proposal for FY2013 also contains
recommendations for changes to federal pensions. In addition, this report
describes the changes enacted under P.L. 112-96 to federal retirement
benefits and financing.
Date of Report: May 10, 2012
Number of Pages: 22
Order Number: 98-810
Price: $29.95
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