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Friday, November 19, 2010

House Committee Party Ratios: 98th-111th Congresses

Lorraine H. Tong
Analyst in American National Government

The ratio of the majority and minority parties in the House standing committees is the number of members of each party caucus assigned to each committee. Determining committee assignments and ratios are among the first actions taken at the beginning of a Congress. The apportionment of committee seats results from discussions between majority and minority party leadership. Historically, the number of majority seats on most committees have exceeded, in varying degrees, the strength of the majority party in the House chamber, regardless of which party is in power. In instances of close party division in the House chamber, the majority party has acted to ensure that it has a working majority in committees. The exception has been the House Committee on Standards of Official Conduct, for which House Rules guarantee an equal share of the seats to the two parties.

The standing rules of the House of Representatives are silent regarding committee party ratios. On occasion, party rules have stated a party’s position on the matter.

This report provides statistical information on and selected analyses of the House committee party ratios for 14 Congresses, covering the period from the 98
th through the 111th Congresses (1983-2011). Committee ratios data for this report are from the earliest available editions of the official committee lists for each Congress issued by the Clerk of the House. Later versions of the Clerk’s lists or the use of alternate sources or methodologies may yield different results. Independent Members are listed separately, consistent with the Clerk’s committee lists. For each Congress, the total party division numbers reflect party strength after the November elections; however, they do not reflect changes due to deaths or resignations followed by special elections, or changes in party affiliation after the beginning of the Congress. Tables for each Congress include the standing committees and a permanent select committee as established and titled in each Congress. For each Congress, a table presents the party divisions in the House chamber and the total number of seats (1) in the chamber, (2) in committee seats, (3) on each committee, (4) assigned to the majority and minority parties and to Independents (where present), and (5) majority and minority party seats on each committee. Data is also provided for the majorityminority seat margin in the chamber, on each committee, as well as the total seat margin for all standing committees and the select committee. A separate table compares majority party strength in the House chamber with total majority committee seats in the 14 Congresses.

This report also discusses trends and compares party ratios in selected Congresses. Possible reforms to the apportionment of committee seats are also examined. This report will be updated to reflect the House committee party ratios in the 112
th Congress.

Date of Report: November 4, 2010
Number of Pages: 25
Order Number: R40478
Price: $29.95

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